Is this Free People Dupe Worth it?
I constantly share my cozy kimonos from Free People. They might be my favorite items of clothing ever.

I've had mine for years and occasionally even add a new color. I had the idea to check Amazon for a dupe since so many other popular Free People items have been recreated there. And... I found one! The Free People version is $98 and the Amazon one comes in at half price. I ordered one to compare and here is my review. If I had never had the FP one, I would be very happy with the Amazon version. However, having worn the FP ones for years, I would say the Amazon one is about half as good. It is not as thick and it's a little shorter on the sleeves. It is still very nice, but not as cozy as the Free People one. So, if you don't mind spending $98, go with the FP one. If you'd prefer to spend less, the Amazon one is still a nice choice.