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From the Austin Airport, My 11 Thoughts on the TSC Round Top Retreat

Sitting in the Austin airport with my thoughts running wild. The last day and a half at The Southern C Round Top Retreat were filled with inspiration, ideas and motivation. While everything is super fresh, I wanted to just rapid-fire, in no particular order, list the first 11 things that come to mind. It’s a big deal for me to leave my family for a couple of days. It has to really be worth it - like the promise of non-stop tennis. This was worth it on so many levels. I’ll be processing the ideas and inspiration for months to come - probably right up the the February Summit. For now, here’s are my initial thoughts.

Here we go…

First of all, is EVERY airport easier than Atlanta’s?! Flying in/out of Austin is a breeze. 

2.  Loved the interview of Stephanie of Estelle Colored Glass. She advised us to tell our story. People buy your story before they buy your product. Pixie has a story and I’ll do a better job of sharing that. 

3.  I set my sights on meeting a few people I knew would be here and I almost met them all. Even a few I didn’t know would be there that I got to meet. Boss ladies of Hale House, SissyLight, Hart Haggerty, The Brimm.  I did not meet Morgan of Buru. She was so busy ringing up customers that I didn’t interrupt. I’m fascinated by her go-to-market model. Next time! 

4. Stephanie of Estelle Colored Glass also took the pressure off social media. She re-posts customer pictures along with professional campaigns. Love the “real” posts.

5.  A tangible goal I had was to gain 100 new Instagram followers. It sounds so silly, but it really helps a small biz like mine. I’m well on my way to that goal and I returned the love to everyone I met. I have stack of biz cards in my bag and I’ll follow and send notes to them on the plane, too. Follow @shoppixieco and leave me a comment about your biz and I’ll follow back. Thx for helping me reach that goal!

6. I have no shame. Ha! I traveled by myself and wanted to make the most of this trip. So, along with setting some goals, I wanted to take this opportunity to get some great social media content. So, I brought my tri-pod and between that, changing outfits 4 times per day and asking perfect strangers to snap my picture, I have some fun content to share in the coming weeks. 

7. Out of that activity, I met some locals. I got a tour of a local jeweler who filled me on all things Round Top and another couple who, unbeknownst to them, resurrected and gave some direction to a business idea Pat and I have toyed with for years. Stay tuned on that…

8. It was so fun to see the Sip & Shop at Bader Ranch. I 100% want to come to the Round Top Antique Show soon (aiming for Spring show) and maybe even have a booth one time. It would be an experience like no other pop-up! Also, I know I definitely want to share Pixie at the Summit Sip & Shop in February. I’ve already had a call with The Southern C. I just need to register. Can’t wait! 

9. I wanted to meet as many people as possible - again maximizing my investment. I met artists, singers, clothing designers, shop owners, influencers, hat makers, jewelers, consultants and more creators. Such a fun group to spend time with.  I look forward to supporting them any way I can.

10. Sandra Campos challenged us to “bring someone along”. I believe we all rise together and the best way to succeed is to support each other. She shared her personal experience with this strategy and it was so inspiring- which ties into my next thought…

11. A big miss on my part was not thinking about booking “Fridays at the Pixie She Shed” on this trip! Luckily the idea hit me as I met people. 

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