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First Ever Surf Suit by Pixie

I am having so much fun with this year's Studio Made Series.  I have been sewing for about 7 years now and, during Quarantine, made something new almost everyday for a month and spent lots of other days sewing, too.  My wardrobe, especially in warmer months, is almost 100% made by me.  

With all this fun sewing, I am getting better and faster with each project.  But... I am only one person with only so many days in a week and I just can't wear everything.  I decided to start offering a few pieces at Pixie.  This way I can add one-of-a-kind pieces for you.  I so often find amazing fabrics and just want to make a skirt or swimsuit or pair of shorts and now I get to offer those to you, too.  

I pretty much have a few favorite styles that I wear over and over.  Things like midi skirts, simple dresses and shorts, shorts and more shorts.  Instead of wearing many different styles, I tend to have a handful of favorite styles and add variety with textures, prints, colors and fabrics.  That is pretty much what you can expect from our Studio Made Series.  

Currently, I am enjoying making swimwear so that is what you will see a lot of to start.  I also have our Seagrove Skirt in the works and will add a couple of those for purchase.  I have some really fun fabrics and they will have pockets with some fun contrasting detail.  I live in these skirts all Summer long.  

Thanks for joining along on the Studio Made Series fun.  See the latest here.

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